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제목 oDHXcOQihNfDmHdECba
작성자 Jesus (ip:)
  • 작성일 2014-08-25 22:23:25
  • 추천 추천 하기
  • 조회수 251
  • 평점 5점

Stolen credit card cheap zocor vm And kind of interesting in this last recession to see the economy shrug and start to throw white middle-class people into the same boat, so that they became vulnerable to the drug war, say from methamphetamine, or they became unable to qualify for college loans. And all of a sudden a certain faith in the economic engine and the economic authority of Wall Street and market logic started to fall away from people. And they realised it's not just about race, it's about something even more terrifying. It's about class. Are you at the top of the wave or are you at the bottom?
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